Favicon Fetcher API

Fetch favicons easily

My API allows you to fetch the favicon of any website. Easy, fast, and reliable.

API Documentation


GET https://favicon.synthetix.me/api?url=https://spotify.com&size=48


Parameter Type Description
url string The URL of the website from which the favicon is to be fetched.
size string The size of the favicon to be fetched. Defaults to 48.


The API returns the favicon as an image file.

Successful response

Status: 200 OK Content-Type: image/x-icon (oder image/png, image/svg+xml, etc.)

Error response

Status: 404 Not Found Content-Type: application/json


curl -X GET "https://favicon.synthetix.me/api?url=https://www.example.com&size=48" -H "accept: image/*"